Join One of Our Weekly Golf Leagues
The PQL (Points Quota League) is a local group of men that play the Champions Golf Club twice weekly – Mondays and Thursday, around 9:00am. David Ladd is the league representative and can be contacted at 561-350-6426; or by email at This League is comprised of mostly Summerfield Residents. Join them afterwards in our Champions Grill for a cold one and some snacks or lunch. Call us at 772-283-1500 for more info.
Ladies League
The Ladies league is a fun event that enjoys the Champions Golf Club on Tuesday and Fridays. The process to join is to sign up to play in the Pro Shop for a Tuesday or Friday. This will be a great way to meet the ladies currently in the league and enjoy the day with a fun group! Join them afterwards in our Champions Grill for a cold one and some snacks or lunch. Call us 772-283-1500 for more info.
The Nuts
The NUT’s league is a fun bunch of guys that meet at the Champions Golf Club every Thursday afternoon. They have several games they include in their rounds and have a great time on the course and in the restaurant afterwards. Please contact Larry E. Doss at cell 561-373-0784 or call to learn more at 772-283-1500.